Vania Vaneau and Jordi Galí associate artists 2016 – 2018

Vania Vaneau

Born in 1982 in São Paulo, she trained at the P.A.R.T.S school in Brussels. As a dancer, she has participated in the creation and second runs of the works of Wim Vandekeybus (2004- 2005), Maguy Marin (as a permanent dancer of the CCN de Rillieux-la-Pape, 2005-2012), David Zambrano (2013), Marcos Simoes/Sara Manente (2014), Jordi Galí (2014-15), Yoann Bourgeois (2014-15), Anne Collod (2015) and Christian Rizzo (2016). In 2014, she created her first long solo Blanc accompanied by guitarist Simon Dijoud. Ornement is her new project in collaboration with Anna Massoni on which work will begin in November 2016.

Jordi Galí

Born in 1980 in Barcelona, he received his training in contemporary dance at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. He has danced with choreographers Emilio Gutiérrez (1997-1999), Wim Vandekeybus (1999-2001), Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker (2001-2003), Lies Pawels (2004-2005) and Maguy Marin (2005-2010).
Since 2001, Jordi Galí has developed his own works and in 2007 he created the company Arrangement Provisoire.
The dialogue between gesture and object is at the heart of his most recent creations: T, Ciel, 22 Cailloux, Abscisse, and Stance.